hmmm..... Missing In Action for a while huh!!!
Yeap... coz my computer die on me again since last Thurs..... NEVER BUY SAMSUNG HARDDISK!!! I bought it in Jan 2005... and it died on me on Jan 2006.... sent for repair... got it back.... happily using it.... and die on me again in Mar 2006!!! I gave up.... sent it of exchange for a new one... and I bought a Hitachi Harddisk!!! I m currently using IBM laptop.. don't have IBM harddisk anymore in the market... replaced by Hitachi!! Hopefully, this one can last me as long as possible!!!!
Anyway... last thursday, i had a bad headache.... so i don't really have mood to go online... :) AND this headache lasted till today (Wednesday)! Geee.... this is funny.... never had this before!! Seen the doctor thrice... and doctor upgraded my medication..... but never seems to subside!!! SIGH!!!!
<- All of us on our way to batam on the ferry!!!!
<-Sight of BATAM houses on our way to DC MALL - SHOPPING!!
<- We had A&W for Lunch!! SO FACINATED with the sight of A&W.

<- We did manicure and padicure for only S$10!!! And see the amount of thing we bought! that's our SHOPPING TROLLEY!!!
Anyway... despite of the terrible headache... i went ahead to BATAM with my girlfriends.... SHIRLEY, STEPH, CUIYI, JANNIE and RACHEL!!! They are my secondary school classmates!!! Gee.... i was really having AWESOME FUN with them over the weekend!!! But was having that headache when i tried to count RUPIAHS!!! DARN!!! SO many ZEROS!!! On Saturday (18 Mar) we went to batam early in the morning.... check in at HOLIDAY INN.... We went to DC MALL shopping, manicure, padicure.... we bought heaps of stuffs!!! DVDs, SNACKS, PADs!!! haa haaa!!!!! 2 to a trolley of snacks and PADS!!! haa haaa.... funny!!!! So we went back to hotel check in to the rooms, settle some money matters.... some confusion here and there.... i was like busy munching on the snacks.... becoz I was hungry and my head hurts when i start to stress on the ZEROS on the RUPIAH!! haa haaa.... All of us were ready to use the pool.... all geared up... but we were too hungry... so decided to have dinner first.... gee.... our dinner only cost us S$51 for the 6 of us.... so cheap... coz we shared and tried some local delights! After dinner, the main pool was closed.... so we went to another pool some where behind the hotel..... NO ONE'S THERE!!! but only the 6 of us.... initially, we started with serious swim..... and later, i think we realised that it's kinda boring... and we started to do funny stuffs in the pool... haa haa... as if we were all drunk!!! We had human "iGallop", human "merry-go-round" etc!!!! haa haaa.... we took pix in the pool too!!! haa haaa!!! thanks to Steph's canon IXUS.

<- Having fun in the pool!!! Just the 6 of us! - AFTER DINNER ENTERTAINMENT!
Ok... we were DARN tired that night and we slept pretty early.... planned to do mask together... but i guess everyone's too tired and lazy to do anything after a nice good bath!!! haa haaa!!!
<- Madicure and Pedicure!!!!! Different shades of pinks!!!
DAY 2:
Next day, we woke up early.... had a good breakfast.... shop at the POLO Raph.... and we took a cab to play GO KART... after GO KART, we went for
CABLE SKI!!! (the best activity ever!) Check out this website too... It was fun!!! I had fun!!! and i was into it that, i don't even feel the headache!! haa haa!!!! I almost able to complete a lap!!!! it's not easy thou!!! lotsa strength involve on the hands!!! WOW!!! i m going back to master it!!!!
<- ONLY 10mins Go-kart at S$15!!!!
CABLE SKI!!! DARN GOOD!!!!! >>>>
Having headache editing and trying to finish writing this blog... gonna stop here..... before my head burst!! and no more DAZE OF LIZZIE... hee hee..... catch ya!