A different look of LIZZIE... for my comm card...
I have been pretty lazy in blog... upload some "not-bad" pix of a different side of myself... I guess, you prefer to look rather than reading a huge junk of rubbish about myself.... Visuals interests people huh??...
These piz were taken to make my comm card..... the bridal look of me and the typical causal look of me.... Don't quite like the causal one.... coz i think the makeup artist "stiffen" my hair with so SUPER HOLD hair spray.... doesn't look natural at all.... Anyway.... the only ones that i like is when they BLOW my hair.... I hope they choose these pix to put in my comm card. :)
This is how i m going to look when i take my wedding piz.... WHERE'S ALVIN???

As i said... my hair don't look natural at all.... Not really satisfy with these... but one of the "not bad" ones....

i prefer the previous ones u posted.
the lip colour on these ones doesn't look very nice.
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