Long weekend... + my sis-in-law
It's gonna be the last long weekend till Dec.... for the benefit of those outa singapore.... Friday's a Public Holiday, Vesak Day.
So so... on friday, Alvin and I were finding something different to do.... we went to the Science Centre!!!!! Goash... it has been a LONG time since i step into the Science Centre.... maybe since our Secondary School days.... Thanks to Dawn's reccommendation, being a teacher, she gotta bring her kids to the Science Centre and the last time she met up with us, she was telling us about this place.... PLUS, i met up with Yunxian on Wednesday, we went to Woodlands Library... and in the library, there's some displays from the Science Centre, we stood there for a couple of mintues to play around with the displays and I found it interesting.... SO i suggested to spend our Friday afternoon there in the Science Centre.
In the evening, we hang around Marina Square and we caught Poseidon. (Click on the pix for it's official website).
So so... on friday, Alvin and I were finding something different to do.... we went to the Science Centre!!!!! Goash... it has been a LONG time since i step into the Science Centre.... maybe since our Secondary School days.... Thanks to Dawn's reccommendation, being a teacher, she gotta bring her kids to the Science Centre and the last time she met up with us, she was telling us about this place.... PLUS, i met up with Yunxian on Wednesday, we went to Woodlands Library... and in the library, there's some displays from the Science Centre, we stood there for a couple of mintues to play around with the displays and I found it interesting.... SO i suggested to spend our Friday afternoon there in the Science Centre.

It was an EXCELLENT movie!!! 2 thumbs up, plus my toes!!!! It was indeed very exciting!! good climate, i can say.... U should watch it!!!! I was grabing Alvin's arm so hard throughout the whole movie, because I was so anxious about what happen next!!!
On Saturday, I got an assignment from my cousin and I went for photo shoot... it was fun! But too bad, i can only be there for the 2nd half of the day. Met up again with David whom I shot with him when i was doing the SDU assignment. :) Gee... i m addicted to photo shooting.... it was fun!!!! But too bad, I had a slight outbreak on my face.... recovering with some scars....poor makeup artist gotta put lotsa concealer on my face and poor photo editor, gotta spend some time edit on my face... hee hee.... OPPS!!! I was too stress with work lately..... got some outbreak!!! Sigh...
In the evening, we went to watch Lie with Me.... geee.... the worst movie that i ever watched!!! Too many sex scenes..... BORING!!!!! I strongly DISCOURAGE anyone to watch that movie!!! Even u are bored at home and nothing to do.... i reckon u sleep at home than going for that movie! it was so bad that many people left half way through.... Maybe there's too many sex scenes that it's pretty embarrassing to watch with so many people in the theater...
And as usual, on Sunday's my hibernation day.... :) Slept the whole day!!!! Rest the whole day.. :)
While writing this blog, i took a break, went out to the kitchen to grab something to drink.... saw my mum at the laundry area washing my niece's clothings.... And I asked my mum... why am i always seeing her washing my niece clothes????? Darn.... my sis-in-law has been treating my mum as maid or wat!!!! I was furious!!! She handwash her own clothes and not her baby's clothes??? Why must she leave everything to my mum to wash????? Geee.... my mum gotta do everything for my niece!!!! Babysit while my sis-in-law's not in (fine! that's fair enough! becoz she's working) and now at night gotta wash the baby's clothes!!! Darn.... my sis-in-law is behaving like a mother pig man!!! just create a life, play with her baby as if like a toy as and when she feels like it, buy all the baby stuffs. And the dirty jobs leave it to my mum to handle.... Darn... it's too much man!!! To all my girl friends..... Don't and never do that!!! i think we should help as much as we can....
After living with my sis-in-law for the past few years, I have learnt many things from her.... many things that she does, I m sure i will not do it.... I know what I am not suppose to do.... I m sure I can do alot better than sis-in-law. I shan't commend much about her, but I wasn't in good relationship with her.... (if u wanna know what happend refer to my previous blog that i wrote many months back!) But if u are lazy to refer, I can quote 1 previous incident about her briefly:
Last year one Saturday morning, she was still pregnant and my Dad was not around, he's hospitalised for a minior operation. FOR NO REASON, she was shouting outside my room and wanting me out of the house, because she wants my room for her baby. (Isn't a new born baby suppose to sleep with the parents for the first few years??) and on top of that, she scolded me BITCH! I was super furious and i was in my room wiping sadly.... From then, i avoid any communication with her to avoid any conflicts with her... Before this whole incident happened, I had no communication with her at all... and outa no where, she did all these!!! It's not a good feeling when someone scold me BITCH and wants me outa house.... I was so helpless, dad's not aorund to help me.... and my mum and brother just leave her alone to scold me.... I was really disappointed... but in the end, they told me that they have their tactics to handle her craziness!!! And with that i feel alot better! Everyday, I m living with fear with her.... i don't know when she's gonna erupt again like a volcano! I can't wait till Nov when Alvin and I starts our own family...
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