Finally, I fall sick (fever and Bodyache) on Thursday and Friday and i got some time to update my blog. Gonna cook dinner later!
Last Wednesday (when i feel something's wrong with my body), I went to the studio to support our friends JASMINE AND JEAN - 10 to LIVE THEIR DREAMS! They were good!!!!


10 (Jasmine and Jean)'s supportors! (including me!)

Jasmine and Jean was introduced before the show. (Then was told that no photography in the studio)

WeiTing, Yunxian and myself... we are Jasmine and Jean's childhood friends! So proud of our friends!
As mentioned in my previous email, I have been pretty busy with my new job.... even at nite, i gotta prepare my next day's plan and do my call reports. But will be definately try to make it for any activities planned by my friends... and will make sure I m avaliable on Saturdays for Alvin. And try to make time to go back to my parent's place almost everyweek... but seems like it's being reduced to bi-weekly...
Well well, last mth, my friends celebrated my birthday with me... it was a joint bday celebration with Shirley too... THANKS GIRLS!
Here's my photos.... it's kinda messy and most of us might not look good in the photos too... coz we are too crazy as if we were drunk!.... But trust me, none of us was drunk! Oh.. they gave me a NIKE watch as my birthday present! It's so NICE! I love it! Enjoy the video...
In July, my best friend- DAWN, came back for winter vacation.. here's some pix that we took together....