Sunday, June 17, 2007

Eve of my first day with my new employer...

Goash... it was indeed a well spent 1 week holiday during the transition between my previous and current employers. Had a break at Ho Chi Minh City, spent more time with Alvin, grooming my new "boyfriend", catching up with friends and families. And i think that's enough.
Tomorrow shall be my first day of work with my new employer - Pfizer. Hmmm.... not as excited as when I first started with my previous employer (My first job after i graduated from Uni)... but more QUESTIONS in my mind like who's my boss, male or female? Is my boss nice? What kinda drugs i will be selling? Which areas will i be covering? Good for me if I will be covering my old areas when i was with my previous employer. Can i handle? Coz i will be driving to clinics, will i get lost on the road? Etc... But at least i know what to expect in this new job... it's gonna be the same as what i was doing- visiting physicians to get business. Just that i will be representing a different company and selling different product. But i really hope that i will be covering the same group of doctors whom i used to cover. Whatever it is.... I believe in WHEN THERE'S A WILL, THERE'S A WAY!
But overall, it feels weird to start over again... getting used to new environment and learning new products. It's like a Boy-girl Relationship... it's sad to break up with someone... and so lazy to get to know/explore someone new. Maybe my laziness makes me loyal. :p So maybe it's good to be lazy sometimes... But on the other hand, we all know that we should change for better. And i strongly believe in it. Know what we want in life and make changes to be happier. Agree? :p


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