Monday, January 29, 2007
I wish this woman never exist in the world to hurt people emotionally. Over the weekend, told by my mum, she wants me to move all my things out of my room since i m no longer staying with my parents. Goash! First, she wants me out of the house! FINE, i m now out... and I m seriously happier... just that i seriously miss my parents very much... Now, she wants me to move my things out too. Hey... my brother gave me the permission to leave my things in my room till i move into my very own house. Now i m just renting a place with Alvin. She's too much... it's so expected that she will do that. I was really disappointed with her.... I can't believe such nasty woman can be my brother's wife. Shit man... what have i done that she needs to do all these to me.
Come on... my niece, Hazel, is only 1 yr old.... she don't need a room to herself right? Anyway, my dad, mum and brother is alright for me to leave my things in my bedroom, except her... She just wants me to be completely out.
Now that Alvin's having his reservist.... i intent to go back to my parent's place to stay for a few days while Alvin's away.... Now it seems that I can't do it...That Bitch just have spoil my plan and time spend with my parents. (Sorry, i just have to describe her as BITCH.) Dad will need to come over to my rented place to stay with me. Mum will need to stay at home to look after Hazel.
Oh... BEST PART IS..... becoz last thurs, being a greedy baby... who loves to munch on everything she sees.... Hazel swallowed a piece of plastic... she gotta be hospitalised to take it out. Over the weekend, which is Sunday, my brother's wife brought it up and scolded my mum's a murderer.... WOW... it's so unbelievable to hear that from her when my mum does her best to look after her baby everyday while she's away to work.
GoASH! it's really a horror to have such people staying under one roof with u. I dunno how's my brother gonna handle this. He better do something abt it, before his wife wants my mum or my dad out of the house too.
I m sharing with you guys so that we all can learn from this horrible girl... so that we will not behave like what she did.... And guys, please don't marry a trouble like her. I don't my brother is the luckiest man to marry her... instead, i think those men who ditch her is the luckiest man in the world!
I wrote this not to spoil her reputation... that's why no photos of her or her name was mentioned. Of coz, we have to hear from her side of her story... but just base on what she said and done... it's not really very nice of her.
SO let's all be nice to each other and be happy! :)
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
What's for dinner tonite?
I cooked today.... It was alvin's 1st day of reservist.... thought of cooking a good dinner for him... Yah.... "What so great about his reservist!" haa haa.... Nah.... I was in the mood to cook too.... So I went to get ingredients from supermarket.... and went Ikea to get a wok! Haa haa... Yes.... moved in for so long and i haven't own a wok!
AND.... I cooked Char Kway Tiao... (Singapore Fried Noodles) without cockles.... Hey... Alvin enjoyed it... I m so glad despite that it was my first time cooking Char Kway Tiao. :)
Check this Out!
I think i better stop cooking such OILY food for alvin! I m feeding him FATS! And he will sure to put on more weight because of my cooking!!!! That's what happen when we were living in Australia!
A night with the animals.....
Guess where we went to last weekend?????
NIGHT SAFARI! Before we went in to the safari... we had Bongo Burgers for dinner! I had Lamb burger and Alvin had beef burger.... It was the WORST burgers we ever had! Yucks! it taste horrible.... both lamb and beef patty in the burger has some kind of smell... and it's strong cow smell in the beef patty... and super strong lamb smell in the lamb patty.... burgers are dry... practically no sauce..... I think it only thing that's nice are the chips! YUCKS!
Here's some piz.... it wasn't well taken.... the place's dimly lighted! Being inside the safari was great! it was a nice walk.. and because it was a wet night... it was cooling.... it's an awesome cooling walk in the safari observing the animals with my hubby.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
My KING's Birthday....
It was my Dad's Birthday dinner at Aijisen Ramen.... My threat! Check out the piz! Don't ask me how old is he now.... completely lost track of his age! And i don't wanna know too... He's forever young to me... hee hee....
While waiting for my mum and bro at the carpark... we start clicking on my Sony Ericsson! Taking more piz with my dad and hazel! Not easy to capture Hazel! she's always moving around or not looking at the camera!
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Friday, January 12, 2007
NOT 100% well for a week already!
It all started from sore throat last Thursday (4th Jan) morning.... But i choose to ignore the pain and went ahead with my favourite food - CRAB for dinner! After dinner, I was feeling alittle feverish.... and indeed... my body temperature went up! Took Anarex before bedtime. Next morning (Friday), I thought my fever's gone, so i went to work. In the afternoon, i feel feverish again... feeling so heavy... and decided to end my sales call slightly earlier than usual to see the doctor. I wasn't feeling good, i was so weak... I can't wait to rest on my bed! I have no choice but i have cancel my appointment with my friends - "Alison, Seb and Ken, I m so sorry!" I feel so bad... we haven't catch up with each other for a long time! Of coz, my fever gradually went off... but i started to cough!! And i have been coughing for the past week! GOASH! so irritating! But of coz, i was discipline... i learnt my lesson.. and I avoid COLD drinks!
Supposedly, we are to meet up today with Alison, Seb, Ken and Alvin.... it was cancelled! So guess wat! Alvin went to find his own activities! And i feel like just staying at home and cook my own dinner! Check this out!
"TA-TA!" Viet Rice paper roll! That's what i made for dinner! Not bad lar! hee hee....
Thursday, January 04, 2007
My first "WOW" dish cooked...
My first "WOW" dish cooked in this rented place on 2 pathetic hot plates.... hee heee.... CRABS!!!! YUMMY!!!
BUT because this is my very FIRST time cooking crab... I FORGOT to scrub away the SOIL!!! SO DUMB DUMB! But i learnt! BUT hey, Alvin say it's well cook OK! Oh... I didn't kill it myself... we get the people at carrefour to kill and chop for us... I wouldn't do such cruel act! hee hee.... Just showing off my crabs! hee hee.....
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Dairy of my last 2 weeks of 2006...
18th Dec 2006 (Monday) - 2nd last day of work for the year...Was shopping at Takashimaya in the evening for Xmas presents for friends... And last mintue, i tried my luck to ask Jean, Jasmine and Yunxian out for dinner... AND THANK GOD, being so busy ususally, Jean managed to meet us for dinner.... Yunxian was nearby and she agreed too, Jasmine was busy at work, so i "forced" her to meet us for awhile after work... so that i can pass her her xmas pressie! was a great nite with them! OH... it's Dawn's birthday.... Hope she likes my present mailed to her to Brisy!
19th Dec 2006 (Tuesday) - last day of work for the year.... Gave Xmas pressies to my colleagues... took some funny pix in office... Went back to CCK for my parents... and went to Sengkang for Dinner at Alvin's place. We went back early coz we planned to go JB the next day..
And in the evening... we went Jack's Place for dinner.... :p it was a 4 course main...Prawn and Salmon Salad, Soup, Steak as main dish, ice-cream log cake as dessert. And we ordered an extra half dozen oyster! Yummy! And we didn't really hang around Orchard Road... becoz there's heaps of ppl... So we went back to our "love Hut".
19th Dec 2006 (Tuesday) - last day of work for the year.... Gave Xmas pressies to my colleagues... took some funny pix in office... Went back to CCK for my parents... and went to Sengkang for Dinner at Alvin's place. We went back early coz we planned to go JB the next day..
20th Dec 2006 (Wednesday)- My 1st day of leave starts... Alvin's on leave too! We went JB, Tebrau City, to shop... BUT becoz of the heavy rain a few days ago.... their power supply system screwed up... and the whole shopping mall was closed! DARN! it was abt RM$20 cab fare to get there.... plus some jam on the road! And abt RM$20 back to CITY SQUARE! DARN!!! So finally, we shop in City Square... and even watched a movie, Gridiron Gang- coming soon in Singapore, for only S$3 each of us! We had jap food at City Square... It was not bad... Both of us love jap food, esp. sashimi.. Yummy! We went back not very late.... coz we are heading to Batam the next morning....
21st and 23rd Dec 2006 (Thursday to Saturday) - We went Batam for 2 nights... Spent alot on this trip on FOOD and SPA... just expenses alone in Holiday Inn is already S$300++. Holiday Inn is our resort for a short getaway.... good service, some of the staffs recognise us as their regular guest... We feel good!
24th Dec 2006 (Sunday) - It's Xmas Eve!!!! Guess wat! We went to the Zoo in the day.... Weather wasn't really friendly that day... but thank god, that it was only drizzling.

And in the evening... we went Jack's Place for dinner.... :p it was a 4 course main...Prawn and Salmon Salad, Soup, Steak as main dish, ice-cream log cake as dessert. And we ordered an extra half dozen oyster! Yummy! And we didn't really hang around Orchard Road... becoz there's heaps of ppl... So we went back to our "love Hut".
25th Dec 2006 (Monday) - It's XMAS! Didn't go anyway... coz Alvin gotta work the next day.... so we decided to cook at home... for the first time ever since we rented this place. We had Prawn salad, Pasta with Pesto sause (i cooked that!) and roasted pork knuckle.
26th to 30th Dec 2006 (Tuesday to Saturday) - I thought i would be shopping till i drop this whole week.... But i don't have the mood to do it.... Funny! instead... almost everyday, i went back to CCK to be with my parents. My brother's on annual leave too.... feel so good to spend those few afternoons with my dad, mum and brother and my little niece - Hazel! And yes, she knows how to say her name! COOL! She's 1 now! On the 29th Dec 2006, i met up with my girlfriends for dinner.... a surprise birthday bash for Jannie... see my blog below 3 HOURS OF SLEEP for our pix!
31st Dec 2006 (Sunday) - We did nothing fantastic on new year's eve! sigh... nothing to celebrate... why are we celebrating new year? Everyone's getting old, more responsibilities... so sad. We watched A Night at the Museum and we went back home slightly before the midnight... So pactically, we were counting down at home! haa haa.... We were back early mainly becoz we need to leave for BATAM the next morning. "YES, BATAM again!" haa haa... tha'ts Alvin's idea!
1st and 2nd Dec 2007 (Monday and Tuesday) - We were in Holiday Inn for 1 day, 1 night. Again, we spend abt s$200 there! On food, massage and facial for me. :) Spending too much this holiday... gotta go back to work to earn more money!
Typically, for the last 3 years this time of the year, i stayed at home with parents, do alittle spring cleaning of my room, laze around in the day and out for dinner with either alvin or friends. Well, although this year's long annual leave is different from the previous years, it was well spent...