Lazzie Lizzie - uBIN tRIP!
Goash.. has been a long time i update my whereabts! I M too LAZY!!! Pardon me!
has been enjoying my last week of 2005. What was planned was done!
Going to Pulau Ubin is the best during my annual leave last week!
Dawn and I went to the east side of Ubin to Chek Jawa (See pix). it was really daring of us (both girls) to cycle off track to get the most beautiful sight and most natural sight of Singapore! It was a perfect day! No rain, low tide! And we can see many creatures... like crabs (See Pix) we caught them! Read some comments online saying that the route to Chek Jawa, cyclist or hikers may caught the sight of wild boars! Many of them. But thank god, we didn't bump unto any... they can be dangerous!

From Left: Map of Pulau Ubin, Chek Jawa is circled on the east side of the island. Sights of Chek Jawa, full of tiny crabs, water snails and seaweed. That's Dawn, washing her leg, she stepped into the mud which looks solid... she's fooled! Well, being in Ubin is to get DIRTY! We are all prepared! And that's the crabs that we caught in the water bottle. 5 to 7 of them! Then when we abt to leave Ubin, we decided not to bring back, they belongs to the mother nature... and not the city land in a tank... so decided to free all of them. And the last piz is a clearer pix of one of the crabs that we caught at Chek Jawa...
Saw this wild intelligent but rude monkey... knows how to open the dustbin, get the food, but didn't close the bin! RUDE monkey! hee hee...

has been enjoying my last week of 2005. What was planned was done!
Going to Pulau Ubin is the best during my annual leave last week!
Dawn and I went to the east side of Ubin to Chek Jawa (See pix). it was really daring of us (both girls) to cycle off track to get the most beautiful sight and most natural sight of Singapore! It was a perfect day! No rain, low tide! And we can see many creatures... like crabs (See Pix) we caught them! Read some comments online saying that the route to Chek Jawa, cyclist or hikers may caught the sight of wild boars! Many of them. But thank god, we didn't bump unto any... they can be dangerous!

From Left: Map of Pulau Ubin, Chek Jawa is circled on the east side of the island. Sights of Chek Jawa, full of tiny crabs, water snails and seaweed. That's Dawn, washing her leg, she stepped into the mud which looks solid... she's fooled! Well, being in Ubin is to get DIRTY! We are all prepared! And that's the crabs that we caught in the water bottle. 5 to 7 of them! Then when we abt to leave Ubin, we decided not to bring back, they belongs to the mother nature... and not the city land in a tank... so decided to free all of them. And the last piz is a clearer pix of one of the crabs that we caught at Chek Jawa...
Saw this wild intelligent but rude monkey... knows how to open the dustbin, get the food, but didn't close the bin! RUDE monkey! hee hee...

From left: Intelligent, Wild and Rude Monkey opening the dustbin to look for food. There it goes... about to enter the bin to look for food... then got what it wants (some chips, i think!) and climb up the tree to enjoy and left the bin open! Rude one!
Cool.. it has been years that i last went to Pulau Ubin! Not very much of changes, except that the Changi jetty has renovated... WHERE'S THE OLD JETTY!!! Sigh! I hope that the government should preserve the simple and natural lifestyle in ubin... best untouch!

From Left: that's me and Dawn... I don't look like ME huh! Look so young! Right: West of Pulau Ubin view from jetty. Below: East of Pulau Ubin View from jetty!
Surfing the net for more info of Ubin... found this website with Ubin's Ghost stories... have a look!
New year celebration was OK... watched the Family Stone and King Kong over the weekend. Family Stone was nice.... King Kong.... mmmm... like Jarasic Park. OK... Prefer Family Stone! had Dinner at Waraku... NICE! We are surprise that there's not many people on the street that New yr's eve...
Back to work this week... Was given some work to do by boss.... Goash! was rushing like mad... and I manage to finish it on time with the help of my colleagues... PHEW! Thank u, guys... Reema, Eunice, Gene and Yenling.
Was then given a task to organise Company's Dinner and Dance which is on 11 Feb! I've got 1 mth to prepare!!! Panic!! New yr, with new tasks! Something's interesting, something's outa my daily and routine work! I will do my best! Feels like Uni or Poly dayz!
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