I'm tired today...
Finally it's FRIDAY! And I m extremely tired now...
Maybe because I haven't got enough sleep for the whole week.

Tues met up with my FRIENDS (Pix Above) for dinner after work... Got a car, drove there, park there, after dinner, drove every of my friends back... and I reached home at 12:30am. And by the time, i sleep it's 1:30am... I should be in bed at 11:30pm... SOB SOB. But it's worth it to meet up with them, I was having fun... Especially with Steph's Cameras... ha haaa...
And on Thurs, I met up with Dawn... had a LONG and Serious Chat... And we had dinner at Pepper Lunch. Being a beef lover, I personally like it, it can be awful to other ppl, depending on how u cook it on the hot plate. As for me, I like it rare... i left my steak on the hot plate not long. Again.. the chat was really interesting and enjoyable that I left late and i couldn't get a cab from Orchard that evening... sigh. Waited for quite some time, and came a cab. And I slept late too.
And oh yes, my little niece is born on Thurs (8 Dec) in the afternoon, just drop by at Glenagles Hospital with DAD after work. Got my sis-in-law bouquet of lilies, and I was there for 5 mins, didn't even get to see the little princess, and I left. Don't feel like staying there longer, as i need to go also for my dinner appointment. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, little princess...
Hmmm... I am praying that I don't get all the post natal depression nonsense from my sis in law. I am really fear of this. It's not a good feeling to get scolded for no good reasons. it really spoils someone's day. I fear that this day will come... SOB SOB. Becoz of this fear, I can't really sleep well. SIGH. Yeah, I m crazy to react this way huh... But I can't help it. I ever being scolded by her for no GOOD reason a few mths back, and i seriously hate that feeling of getting all these PRE natal nonsense from her. Nobody's born to get scolded for nothing. Agree?
SIGH... Well, the show must go on... and I pray hard for not getting those nonsense from her.
Took this pix from Reema's fone... and I tot it's a good piz to share with my friends. That's Me and Eunice, we happened to wear the same kind of top that day to work, haaa.. so funny..., and so we were having fun taking piz... (Eunice, now u can copy this piz! ha aha.... go and change ur fone lar...)
I m so tired and yet i can write heaps on this blog huh.... no too bad. Gotta Sleep soon... catch ya later!
Opps and yes, i believe there's heaps of spelling and grammer errors all over the place... bear with it.. too lazy to edit. ha haaa..
is the pepper place good? i like beef. but just happens it's always packed with people when i go there... so never had the chance to try.
It's nice... give it a try... lets go there one day together! WOW.. didn't know u also love beef... ha haaa....
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